Should you use a contract?

Paperwork and written documents may not be items you would associate with a builder, however, they are key to any successful project.

Before beginning a build, we would always recommend having as many details as possible written down. This may include the items included in your estimate and identifying any areas where extra costs may be incurred. Extra costs can arise when certain finishing elements such as light fittings are altered from the original estimate. This helps both client and contractor stay on budget.

A written contract, signed by both parties, should include details like the length of the project, the cost of the project and a schedule of payments throughout the project and a clear defect retention period.

Any variation in costs throughout the project should be estimated and a document prepared to show these costs. This document should be signed by both parties to show that the extra work has been agreed upon.

A contract is not a legal requirement. However, any reputable company will provide one before a project can commence.


Exterior finishes